FET Quiz

1. As compared to N-channel MOS switch, the P-channel MOS switch has

A. equal ON resistance
B. less ON resistance
C. more ON resistance
D. either 'a' or 'b'

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C. more ON resistance
2. P-channel MOSFET is basically a following device

A. current operated
B. voltage operated
C. power operated
D. low-frequency operated

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D. low-frequency operated
3. In a JFET, drain current is maximum when VGS is

A. zero
B. negative
C. positive
D. equal to Vp

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A. zero
4. When a reverse bias is applied to Gate of JFET the depletion region width

A. is wider near drain and tapers near source
B. is wider near the source and tapers near drain
C. is uniform in the channel
D. is nil

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A. is wider near drain and tapers near source
5. In a MOSFET, the polarity of the inversion layer is the same as that of the

A. charge on the gate electrode
B. majority carriers in the substrate
C. majority carriers in the source
D. minority carriers in the drain

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C. majority carriers in the source
6. The channel ___________________ when ID=IDSS

A. is widest
B. is closed
C. is narrowest
D. does not exist

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A. is widest
7. For proper operation of an N-channel JFET the gate voltage needs to be _____ with respect to the drain.

A. positive
B. negative
C. zero
D. either 'A' or 'B'

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B. negative
8. The p-channel JFET used in Digital technology as

A. amplifier
B. rectifier
C. invertor
D. switch

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D. switch
9. After VDS reaches pinch-off value Vp in a JFET, drain current ID becomes

A. zero
B. low
C. reversed
D. saturated

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D. saturated
10. For a JFET, when VGS is increased beyond the pinch-off voltage, the drain current

A. increases
B. decreases
C. remains constant
D. first decreases and then increases

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C. remains constant