Digital Electronics (Basics) Quiz

1. The only function of a NOT gate is to

A. stops a signal
B. invert an input signal
C. act as universal gate
D. recomplement a signal

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B. invert an input signal
2. The difference between sequential and combinational circuit is that

A. combinational circuits store bits
B. combinational circuits have memory
C. sequential circuits store bits
D. sequential circuits have memory

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D. sequential circuits have memory
3. Which of the following is used as a data selector ?

A. Encoder
B. Decoder
C. Multiplexer
D. Demultiplexer

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C. Multiplexer
4. The minimum number of flip-flops required in a counter to count 60 pulses is

A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 10

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B. 6
5. The two kinds of main memory are

A. Primary and Secondary
B. RAM and ROM
C. random and sequential
D. central and peripheral

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B. RAM and ROM
6. Following register allows movement of digital data in the left or right direction

A. Counter Register
B. Shift Register
C. Latch Register
D. Process Register

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B. Shift Register
7. If digital data enters in one bit at a time fashion in the circuit then it is called as

A. Serial-parallel form
B. Parallel form
C. Serial form
D. Sequential-parallel form

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B. Parallel form
8. K is an abbreviation used with a number of units . Thus 2K means

A. 2000 units
B. 2024 units
C. 2048 units
D. None of these

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C. 2048 units
9. In a microprocessor when a CPU is interrupted, it

A. stops execution of instructions
B. Acknowledges interrupt and branches of subroutine
C. Acknowledges interrupt and continues
D. Acknowledges interrupt and waits for the next instruction from the interrupting device

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D. Acknowledges interrupt and waits for the next instruction from the interrupting device
10. A MUX has ________output/s.

A. one
B. two
C. many
D. n

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A. one