Fundamentals of Communication Engineering Quiz

1. Which of the following technique is used to convert triangular wave analog signal into a digital signal ?


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2. The trapezoidal display method of AM wave is used for _______________________.

A. Calculating modulating index
B. Calculating Amplification index
C. Calculating Quality factor index
D. All of the above

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A. Calculating modulating index
3. Modulation index is also known as ___________________.

A. Power factor
B. Quality factor
C. Modulation factor
D. Attenuator factor

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C. Modulation factor
4. Which of the following is the part of analog modulated receiver?

A. Analog modulator
B. Information source
C. Antenna system
D. All of the above

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D. All of the above
5. In phase modulation wish of the following properties of carrier wave are constant ?

A. Amplitude and Phase
B. Phase and Frequency
C. Frequency and Amplitude
D. Amplitude, Phase and Frequency

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C. Frequency and Amplitude
6. Which of the following is the type of digital continuous wave modulation used in digital communication?


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7. AM wave will have no distortion for which of the following value of 'modulation index '?

A. m=0.95
B. m=1.1
C. m=1.2
D. m=1.5

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A. m=0.95
8. Modulation process is also called as __________________.

A. Frequency Attenuation process
B. Frequency Amplification process
C. Frequency Up-shifting process
D. Frequency Down-shifting process

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C. Frequency Up-shifting process
9. The analog cable TV distribution is an example of which of the following ?

A. Wired communication
B. Radio communication
C. Satellite communication
D. Microwave communication

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A. Wired communication
10. Which of the following media is useful in digital wired communication system ?

A. UTP cable
B. STP cable
C. Coaxial cable
D. All of the above

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D. All of the above
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Boolean Algebra Quiz

1. In Boolean Algebra A.1= ?

A. 1
B. A
C. 0
D. NaN (Not a Number)

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B. A
2. Using Boolean Algebra, A.0 =?

A. A
B. 0
C. 1
D. Undefined

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B. 0
3. A.A= ?

A. A
B. 1
C. 0
D. Can't say

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A. A
4. A+0= ?

A. 1
B. 0
C. A
D. Undefined

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C. A
5. Boolean algebra allows _______possible values.

A. only one
B. only two
C. three
D. eight

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B. only two
6. In Boolean algebra, A.(A+B) =?

A. 0
B. 1
C. A
D. B

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C. A
7. A + A.B= ?

A. 0
B. 1
C. A
D. B

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C. A
8. A.(B+C)= AB + AC represents which law in Boolean algebra ?

A. distributive law
B. associative law
C. commutative law
D. None of the above

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A. distributive law
9. According to De Morgan's theorem:
NAND = __________________________-.

A. bubbled OR
B. bubbled NOR
C. bubbled NAND
D. bubbled AND

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D. bubbled AND
10. (A.B).C = A.(B.C) represents which law in Boolean algebra ?

A. De Morgan's theorem
B. distributive law
C. associative law
D. commutative law

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C. associative law
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PN Junction Diode Quiz

1. The ripple factor for a half wave rectifier is

A. 0.5
B. 0.75
C. 1.21
D. 2.0

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C. 1.21
2. The ripple factor for a full wave rectifier is

A. 0.482
B. 0.96
C. 1
D. 1.46

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A. 0.482
3. The electrons in an atom moves in

A. circular orbits
B. hyperbolic orbits
C. elliptical orbits
D. straight lines

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C. elliptical orbits
4. The bulf resistance of a diode is the resistance of

A. P material only
B. N material only
C. P and N materials
D. the resistance of the junction alone.

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C. P and N materials
5. The forbidden energy gap is highest for

A. Silicon
B. Geranium
C. Gallium Arsenide
D. Same in all above

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C. Gallium Arsenide
6. Any semi-conducter material has valance of electrons

A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7

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A. 4
7. Depletion region in a PN junction diode is due to

A. forward biasing
B. reverse biasing
C. either forward or reverse biasing
D. an area created by doping

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B. reverse biasing
8. Maximum rectification efficiency for a half wave rectifier is

A. 25%
B. 40.6%
C. 50%
D. 66.36%

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B. 40.6%
9. Maximum rectification efficiency for a full wave rectifier is

A. 40.6%
B. 66.4%
C. 81.2%
D. 100%

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C. 81.2%
10. The depletion layer of a PN junction diode hash

A. only free mobile holes
B. only free mobile electrons
C. both free mobile holes and electrons
D. neither free mobile holes nor electrons

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D. neither free mobile holes nor electrons
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1. The material used for white LED is

A. GaAs
B. GaAsP
C. GaP
D. Blue/UV Diode with yellow phosphorus

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D. Blue/UV Diode with yellow phosphorus
2. The material used for ultraviolet LED is

A. AlN
B. AlGaN
C. AlGaInN
D. All of the above

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D. All of the above
3. LED is a type of

A. Zener Diode
B. Gunn Diode
C. Varacter Diode
D. P-N junction Diode

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D. P-N junction Diode
4. LED device spectral response is given by a graph between

A. Light output Vs wavelength
B. Light output Vs Forward Voltage (VF)
C. Light output Vs Forward Current (IF)
D. Light output Vs Reverse Voltage (VR)

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D. Light output Vs Reverse Voltage (VR)
5. The colour emitted by LED is decided by

A. Forward Current
B. Forward Voltage
C. Material used
D. wavelength of the input voltage

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C. Material used
6. The material used for Red LED is

A. GaP
B. GaAsP
C. AlGaAs
D. All of the above

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D. All of the above
7. The material used for Orange LED is

A. GaP
B. GaAsP
C. AlGaInP
D. All of the above

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D. All of the above
7. The material used for Blue LED is

A. ZnSe
B. InGaN
C. SiC
D. All of the above

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D. All of the above
9. The material used for Green LED is

A. GaN
B. GaP
C. InGaN
D. All of the above

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D. All of the above
10. Purple LED can be formed by

A. Dual blue/red LEDs
B. White with purple plastic
C. Blue with red phosphorus material
D. All of the above

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D. All of the above
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Operational Amplifier Quiz

1. Linear integrated circuits can be use in which of the following application/s?

A. Instrumentation and control
B. Medical electronics
C. Audio and radio communication
D. All of the above

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D. All of the above
2. The practical Operational Amplifier(Op-Amp) possesses

A. All characteristics of an ideal operational amplifier.
B. Selected characteristics of an ideal operational amplifier.
C. All characteristics of an ideal operational amplifier with floating load.
D. Not a single property of an ideal operational amplifier (OP-AMP).

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D. Not a single property of an ideal operational amplifier (OP-AMP).
3. Slew rate is infinite for which of the following ?

A. Inverting operational amplifier with frequency compensation
B. Non-Inverting operational amplifier with frequency compensation
C. Ideal Op-Amp
D. All of the above

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C. Ideal Op-Amp
4. Which of the following is an advantage of negative feedback?

A. Increases hormonic distortion
B. Decreases bandwidth
C. Unstabilizes voltage and current gain for oscillations
D. Decreases effect of temperature variations on the output

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D. Decreases effect of temperature variations on the output
5. Negative feedback is not used in Op-Amp circuits for________________

A. Adder
B. Subtracter
C. Amplifier
D. Oscillator

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D. Oscillator
6. Supply voltage rejection ratio is called as ______________________.

A. Power supply rejection ratio
B. Current supply rejection ratio
C. Energy supply rejection ratio
D. None of the above

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A. Power supply rejection ratio
7. The term 'Operational' in Op-Amp stands for ________________________.

A. Practical approach
B. Ideal implementation
C. Logical implementation
D. Mathematical operations

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D. Mathematical operations
8. In an Adder or Summing Amplifier, to calculate gain of Op-Amp circuit, user needs to apply which of the following theorems?

A. Millers Theorem
B. Thevenon's Theorem
C. Norton's Theorem
D. Superposition Theorem

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D. Superposition Theorem
9. Maximum gain of an Op-Amp integrator is achieved at _________

A. F = 0 Hz
B. F = 50 Hz
C. F = 230 Hz
D. F = infinite Hz

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A. F = 0 Hz
10. The highest frequency of an Op-Amp Application depends on

A. Slew Rate
D. Offset voltage

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A. Slew Rate
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